Monday Madness!
All OffiCenter Locations MNJoin the largest CoWorking Community in the Twin Cities and start CONNECTING TODAY!!
Join the largest CoWorking Community in the Twin Cities and start CONNECTING TODAY!!
Stop in for a donut and coffee. Connect with our community!!
Celebrate CoWorking month with us and network with our Work Awesome Community! Bring plenty of business cards.
That's right! If you've never tried CoWorking before we invite you into our spaces on any Friday during CoWoWorking Month. [...]
Join the largest CoWorking Community in the Twin Cities and start CONNECTING TODAY!!
The 12th Annual Jesus in the City / Fishing For Life Urban and Suburban Pastors Fishing Tournament, brings Ministers and [...]
Happy International Growing-Building-Leading-Dreaming-Inspiring COWORKING (AWESOME) DAY!
Stop in for a donut and coffee. Connect with our community!!
Listen to a live recording of The ALL STAR NETWORKING SHOW podcast hosted by Cathy Paper at Midtown Global Market. [...]
That's right! If you've never tried CoWorking before we invite you into our spaces on any Friday during CoWoWorking Month. [...]
Need we say more . . . CHEERS!
Join the largest CoWorking Community in the Twin Cities and start CONNECTING TODAY!!
We’d love to help you start your
Work Awesome experience today!