Randy Shaver’s Spring Events!
Randy Shaver Cancer Research and Community Fund, OneCommunity Members at Minnetonka, have a busy spring and summer beginning on April 8th at Rock Elm in Plymouth. Purchase the Shaver Special for $20 and $5 will go to RSCRCF. Then, in May, order Ribs for Randy for $18 at Big Bore BBQ in Hanover, with $5 going to benefit Minnesota cancer research. And, Culvers has two ways for you show your support this spring. First, May 13th is their 10% Day of Giving where Culvers gives RSCRCF 10% of their proceeds for the day. May 13th – 26th is Change Makes a Difference at Culvers. Round up your order and donate your change! Rush to the Cure Gala and Celebrity Golf Classic will be on June 2nd and 3rd followed by the Shaver 5K Shuffle on August 3rd. Find out more about these events, register or donate HERE.