OffiCenters is proud to partner with our newest OneCommunity Partner,
My Very Own Bed, for a back-to-school bedding drive to help lift up kids with the gift of healthy sleep. Their mission is to provide new beds to children moving into stable housing and with support from their network of donors, volunteers and referral partners, My Very Own Bed has provided more than 6,000 beds and Dream Kits to children ages 2-17 in the Twin Cities and surrounding suburbs. Please consider getting involved by donating NEW, twin-sized: mattress pads, sheets, blankets or comforters or pillows and small stuffed animals. Bring items to any of our seven locations throughout the month of September and drop in collection boxes. If you want ideas, or prefer to ship items directly to My Very Own Bed, check out their wish lists
HERE. Of course, you can also donate financially
HERE. All children should have a bed so they can sleep well, dream, and find comfort in a place of their own.