Promote your business with us!

Published On: March 1, 2016|Categories: News|

promoteWe are happy to be able to offer all of our members a way to get the word out about upcoming events, specials, or news happening in your business. The following promotional packages are now available:

GOOD: For $30 your event will be on the Electronic Signs in all five locations and a social media mention on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Plus your event will be in This Week at OffiCenters (at least twice prior to the date) that goes out to 1900 email subscribers.

BETTER: For $50 you get all of the above PLUS a listing with a link in our newsletter, placement on the OC/VOC Event Calendar and a Blog or News feature on our websites. Wow!

BEST: For $75 you get all of the above PLUS a featured story in our newsletter and a unique email campaign sent out to our list of 1900 email subscribers.

See your Center Manager if you have any questions or to get started!