New Events Tailored to Small Businesses

Published On: April 25, 2016|Categories: News|

skol-marketing-online-marketing-small-business-workshops-and-seminars-mnVirtualOffiCenters is excited to partner with Skol Marketing, a leader in the industry of online marketing, to offer our members a new event series that is tailored to small businesses. These events are designed to provide simple tips to improve your marketing and web presence. Learn more about what to expect below.

What You Learn
Skol Marketing events are designed to help take the mystery out of internet marketing. You will not learn how to be an expert web designer or how to consistently post relevant content, but you will learn why a good website is important and all the factors that help increase your SEO. You will learn some basic strategies that you can implement on your own to make your job easier when dealing with your marketing team. In addition, you will learn why it all works together and why no one piece of marketing can be a stand-alone tool.

Other Benefits
In addition to learning this invaluable information you will also build your network by being part of an online forum of other like-minded small businesses. You will gain information beyond the basics of online marketing that you have already learned, such as tips the pros know and other things you can do to boost your online presence. Many times, when trying to learn about online marketing, you are inundated with what works for the larger corporations or what works for the small, one man show. However, the general small business is ignored and left out of the loop. Online marketing information becomes boring and unreliable. Skol Marketing events make it relatable to their client base, which are other businesses just like yours: larger than one person, but not McDonald’s. Therefore, another benefit to attending these events is a sense of belonging and not being alone in the business world. When you know others are experiencing the same issues with online marketing in the same manner you are, it creates a sense of hope and relieves the sense of hopelessness you may have been struggling to overcome.

Actual Skol Marketing Workshops include:

  • Enhance Your Online Presence: SEO
  • Understanding Google Analytics
  • Grow Your Business with Youtube
  • Understanding Google AdWords
  • Social Media Overview & Business Strategy

Visit our events calendar to register for one of these upcoming events HERE.