Why CoWork? Top 10 List!

Published On: September 7, 2016|Categories: News|

Thank you to “IVO” Joe O’Brien, member at Minnetonka OffiCenter, for sharing his top ten reasons why working at VirtualOffiCenters is better than from home! Enjoy!

  1. 10Office gatherings are WAY better attended.
  2. Taking a “snow day” is actually exciting again.
  3. During the week, I now shower more frequently.
  4. Save money on pajamas not wearing out as fast.
  5. Free beer.  Yes, that is correct, I said “Free Beer!”.
  6. My productivity goes way up when my kids are at home for the summer.
  7. I don’t have to talk to myself in the kitchen anymore.
  8. Workday tasks no longer include emptying the dishwasher (thanks Kelsey/Jan!)
  9. Calling in “sick” for work is actually possible now.
  10. My Monday through Friday, no longer looks exactly like my Saturday and Sunday!