President’s Day
All OffiCenter Locations MNCelebrated on the third Monday in February, President's Day is a Federal Holiday that is now popularly viewed as a [...]
Celebrated on the third Monday in February, President's Day is a Federal Holiday that is now popularly viewed as a [...]
Our Members LOVE Wednesdays. Why, you ask? Because it's Donut Day! Every Wednesday, Every Location.
Last Friday of every month is BlackJack Friday. Stop at the front desk and try your luck. We LOVE [...]
Register now for Slice of Woodbury. This group meets the 4th Tuesday of every month where attendees enjoy a pizza [...]
If it's Wednesday, then it's Donut Day. Every Wednesday, Every Location!
If it's Wednesday, then it's Donut Day. Every Wednesday, Every Location!
There will be no social hour this month. Next month's Social Hour will be on April 13th at Minnetonka [...]
Today, the world celebrates being Awesome but we know that every day at OffiCenters is a Day of Awesomeness! [...]
Don't forget to SPRING ahead one hour today. We all get to enjoy more daylight as we head into spring [...]
If it's Wednesday, then it's Donut Day. Every Wednesday, Every Location!
If it's Wednesday, then it's Donut Day. Every Wednesday, Every Location!
Register now for Slice of Woodbury. This group meets the 4th Tuesday of every month where attendees enjoy a pizza [...]
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