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We’re excited to have Woodbury Member, Eric Brooker, present: The Impact of a Podcast to your Business. This hour zoom presentation promises to deliver valuable information for both podcast beginners and pros.

Eric Brooker is a successful business leader, author, and podcast host. His new book, “You Are Enough: Overcoming Lifelong Doubts of Worthiness,” offers transformative insights on self-worth and personal healing. Additionally, he hosts the popular podcast “Counsel Culture,” which began in 2020 and has gained a substantial following with over 125 episodes. Focusing on culture and leadership, the podcast features esteemed guests such as the founder of Reebok, the CEO of Chipotle, NY Times best-selling authors, and professional athletes. With his podcast consistently ranked in the top 1% globally, Eric has established himself as a respected voice in the industry. He resides in Woodbury with his wife and six of his seven children. To learn more about Eric, visit www.ericbrooker.com.

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