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563082_10151422287419303_1894767043_nPersonal Power in The workplace Professional Development Series
with Dr. Verna Cornelia Price

September Topic: Managing and Protecting Your Energy at Work

What to Expect?
Learn how to  increase your personal power, professional potential, productivity and overall effectiveness in the workplace
-Learn how to tap into and leverage the seven dimensions of personal power
-Each month focuses on one dimension of personal power and how it impacts your work life
What to Expect in SEPTEMBER
Learn how to manage and protect your energy to increase productivity while avoiding burnout and stress
-Learn how to deal with co-workers’ negative energy

What are the Benefits?
-Gain “right now” strategies to empower, inform, inspire and motivate you to increase and leverage your personal power in the workplace and life
-Engage in problem-solving “real-life” scenarios impacting you at work

-Increase your circle of influence as you engage with diverse professionals
-Gather coaching tips to increase your leadership, productivity and influence

Personal Power in The workplace Professional Development Series: A Monthly Program
Thurs.  September 25, 2014                 
12 – 1:30 PM / Bring Your Lunch!
$99/Each Monthly Session
OffiCenter/VirtualOffiCenter Community save 15% ($85)

OffiCenters at International Plaza, Suite 300
Lindberg Training Room
Bloomington, MN 55425

Fall 2014 Schedule:
Thursday, September 25, 2014 @ OffiCenters at International Plaza
Thursday, October 23, 2014 @ OffiCenters at International Plaza
Thursday, November 20, 2014 @ Park OffiCenter

Register at  www.drvernaprice.com or 763-535-5711

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