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563082_10151422287419303_1894767043_nPersonal Power in The Workplace Professional Development Series
with Dr. Verna Cornelia Price


What to Expect?
-Learn how to  increase your personal power, professional potential, productivity and overall effectiveness in the workplace

-Learn how to tap into and leverage the seven dimensions of personal power
-Each month focuses on one dimension of personal power and how it impacts your work life
What to Expect in NOVEMBER
-Check back for November Topic

What are the Benefits?
-Gain “right now” strategies to empower, inform, inspire and motivate you to increase and leverage your personal power in the workplace and life

-Engage in problem-solving “real-life” scenarios impacting you at work
-Increase your circle of influence as you engage with diverse professionals
-Gather coaching tips to increase your leadership, productivity and influence

Personal Power in The workplace Professional Development Series: A Monthly Program
Thurs.  September 25, 2014                 

12 – 1:30 PM / Bring Your Lunch!
$99/Each Monthly Session

OffiCenter/VirtualOffiCenter Community save 15% ($85)

Remaining Fall 2014 Schedule:
Thursday, November 20, 2014 @ Park OffiCenter

Register at  www.drvernaprice.com or 763-535-5711

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