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Join us for the next LinkedMN Networking Lunch. 

Monday, 11/7/2011
11:30am – 12:30pm

3849 Gallagher Drive
Edina, MN 55435
(952) 835-6440

RSVP no later than NOON on Friday, November 4 to Sherry at: Sherry@sherrybuckley4U.com

Please note: reservations will not be accepted after noon on Friday as this is when we give the headcount to the restaurant for planning purposes.

Free to attend, you only have to pay for your lunch.

Guest Host: OffiCenters and VirtualOffiCenters.  Office Business Centers are a great value and business model for the future. It’s a smart way to do business.  Work options include virtual offices, co-officing and shared spaces as well as full time serviced offices.  Work in the OffiCenter community and receive benefits of education, networking, and small business services. We offer workplace solutions to support your business and lifestyle choices!

Meet new people and expand your business! 


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