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LinkedIn and LearnSharing Techniques for Social Success hosted by TERI ROSS of your CMTO


As with many new trends enabled by technology, social selling has a tendency to be thought of as the adoption of social media and online collaboration tools. Many people erroneously think that simply having a LinkedIn or Twitter account means they are engaging in social selling.

In reality, social selling is a response to fundamental changes in customer behavior and their buying process. Prospects and customers now have access to unlimited information about you, your company, your products, and those of your competitors.

Conversations occurring within social media have become more influential to the buying decision than traditional sales and marketing tactics. The conversation is in control of the customer, which means the customer has the means and the networks necessary to get what they want and formulate their opinions – without the company or the sales person. Social selling is based on this new reality.

Our class this month will cover

  • How to find content to share
  • LinkedIn Sharing Basics
  • Content Curation
  • Content Sharing Tools
  • Additional Resources

Space is limited to 50 attendees. 


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