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Are you ready to step up and become the leader you want to be?

Becoming a leader is all about mindset. But, your mindset can also be what’s keeping you in the role of a “follower.” If you imagine a great leader, certain qualities come to mind, like confidence, boldness, courage, authenticity – qualities that can be tough or even scary to embrace in your own life. The good news is, it’s possible to overcome that fear, shift your mindset, and implement new ways of behaving so you too can become a respected leader in your own professional life.

At this luncheon, we’ll talk about the 3 Key Behaviors that keep you in a follower mindset, and how to shift those behaviors to rise head and shoulders above your competition. Even if you don’t have a team of employees working under you (yet!), being a leader means having the confidence to draw new clients to you, own your expertise, and to pursue opportunities without fear or hesitation. Let’s talk about how you can get out of your own way, stop giving in to fear, and step into the leadership role you’ve always pictured for yourself.


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