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Being visible and active in the right networks is the door-opener to many compelling business and career opportunities. Maintain an active network by joining us for our 15th ECI/EIM Alumni Social, hosted by Executive Coaching Insight, (ECI) Inc.

Barbara Adams and John Wetzel who co-facilitate the monthly ECI/EIM breakfast meetings will be your hosts for the evening.  You will have the opportunity to connect with talented leaders across multiple industries.
Event open to Director to C-Level Executives only.

The real action in networking is face-to-face so take a break from the digital world.  Whether it’s your first event, or getting reconnected, come out to “meet and greet” and put a face to a name. 

It’s not too late to register–come join us for a fun night of networking! 

We are supporting local entrepreneurs with: 
Vino Uncorked Wine Tasting featuring Luxury Brands, Boisset Wine Collection and Sherry Perra
Baking Betty’s Gourmet Cookies baked from scratch and featured on KARE 11.  Emily Osterberg, Founder
2Nancys with their creative and whimsical words of wisdom featured around town in Linden Hills & Delano 

We are giving a “shout out” to all Alumni who have attended a meeting in the past to stop by for a beverage and give back to an executive in job transition.  And, a very special “thank you” to Jane Salmen, President of Human Capital Partners, corporate outplacement and career-transition services, as our corporate sponsor.


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