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All good things must come to an end and today marks the end of our 7th CoWorking Month celebration. We thank everyone who had a cupcake, a bagel, a donut, a dilly bar. And everyone who attended the Patio Social Hour at Minnetonka, Slice of Woodbury or our Podcast Seminar presented by Eric Brooker over zoom. Thanks for posting your Why I’m STICKING With CoWorking on our post-it walls or on any of our social media platforms. Finally, to all of our Work Awesome Members who took our survey, we appreciate your time, your honest answers and your business. YOU make OC the biggest and best CoWorking Community in Minnesota.

Winners of CoWorking Day Contests will be contacted by 11AM today and will be posted on social media.
Survey results will be in the September OurCommunity Newsletter that comes out later this afternoon.

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