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2014-07power lunch for vocNEW TIME . . .  NEW TALK . . . FREE PIZZA!!!
Join us for a POWER LUNCH and open discussion on questions and challenges around digital.

Finding Your Digital Marketing Nirvana
Presented by:  LTR Digital Group (Olympic Place Client & Google Partner)

So, What is Digital Marketing?  You may recognize it as online or internet marketing, however, it can encompass many things.  What we know is that consumers are going to the internet to learn about a product or service long before they pick up the phone or visit an establishment to buy a product or service.  In fact, studies show that decision makers are up to 90% through the buying process before even making contact with a company.

So, what if your company does not have a digital presence?  You will be missing out as these consumers go through the research phase of their buying process.  Come and learn about a variety of strategies a business can employ to ensure that they are relevant during this research phase.  Plus, we will discuss the following:

ZMOT (Zero Moment of Truth)
Buying Process in the Digital World
Pros/Cons & Applications of Paid Strategies
Display, Google Ad Words, Social platforms


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