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Talk Title: The Power of Your Story
Motivational Speaker:  Lisa Harris


Storytelling is how we are conditioned to receive information and has been the preferred way of passing down information and knowledge for centuries.

-Stories build human connections that strengthen and deepen personal and professional relationships they are a gateway to trust.

-Stories help us process confusion and chaos into a coherent narrative that provides healing and hope. Sharing our stories frees us from the pain and empowers us.

Lisa Harris is an author, poet, speaker, the founder of Fashion Meets Poetry and the visionary behind the brand, UnveiledBeauty. After over 18 years leading major branding initiatives, product development, strategy and retail buying for several Fortune 500 companies and nationally recognized brands she published her first book, Unveiled Beauty: Handwritten Stories from a Poetic Heart. This book inspired an entire women’s empowerment platform. Unveiled Beauty: Cultivating YOU, a women’s empowerment speaker series, was launched in 2017, immediately followed by the Unveiled Beauty X Fashion Show. In 2018, she expanded her platform to include coaching in her Unveiled YOU!, women’s empowerment program. Today, Lisa’s goal is to provide every day women a platform to be witnessed and heard by sharing stories of struggle and strength and celebrating their unique beauty. Fashion Meets Poetry fulfills its mission and goal through entertaining and inspiring events, empowerment and coaching programs, plus social and online influence to create healing and empowering experiences.

About this Upcoming Event
AGC provides the ultimate networking experience unlike anything you have ever attended before. Get ready for this amazing event!

Mingle – The event starts with 45 minutes of open networking and an ice breaker activity that creates conversation starters eliminating awkwardness in open networking.
Enjoy Appetizers and adult beverages.
Motivation – Listen to a dynamic motivational speaker sharing their Ted Talks style presentation designed to leave you inspired with an educational take away.
Skill Building – We finish the event up with the final 45 minutes of open networking where we share what we liked the most and how we will apply what we just learned from our event speaker.

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