September – Staff VIP

Published On: September 3, 2013|Categories: Blog, Featured Staff|

Taco and AnaAna Genz, Center Manager at Union Plaza OffiCenter is our Staff VIP! Ana is celebrating 12 years with OffiCenters this month. Ana strives to do her absolute best at everything she does and it shows! Our clients and Team OffiCenters appreciate her and we are excited to highlight Ana as our Staff VIP this month! 

 1)    What would you like people to know about you? I secretly wanted to be the president of the United States until I found out I couldn’t when I went to grade school and found out that the president has to be born in the US.

2)    How long have you worked for OffiCenters and which location? I have worked my second time around for OffiCenters for 12 years. I am currently at Union Plaza and have been there for 8 years.

3)    What do you think is the most important thing that you do for OffiCenter clients? Customer Service.

4)    If you could work from anywhere under the sun, where would you choose? Anywhere there is sunshine.

5)    Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blog? Facebook and LinkedIn.

6)    What is the one piece of technology that you cannot live without? My iPhone.

7)    Who has been an inspiration in your life? My father was and is still a great inspiration to me. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of him.

8)    If you could be invisible for one day what would you do? I would lay with a pride of lions or a troop of monkeys.

9)    What is one of your favorite quotes? Live Life to Its Fullest.

10)  When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you use it? Drinking my protein shake. 

11)  If you had a long weekend with unlimited funds, where would you go? Hawaii! I hope to go there very soon.

12)  Who would you choose to be shipwrecked with on a desert island? Tailgating Viking friends!!!

13)  If you could be any fictional character, whom would you choose and why? ELMO from Sesame Street because he is always positive, everyone loves him and he giggles when he is tickled.

14)  What is your favorite place to visit in Minnesota? My cabin in Southern MN!!!!

15)  What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life? Don’t Stop Believing by Journey.

16)  If you could paint a picture, what would you paint? A portrait of my dogs in MN Viking clothing.

17)  Do you have any hobbies? Yes, too many to list here.

18)  What is your idea of a perfect meal? Pizza from Pagliai’s Pizza in Mankato and it has zero calories.

19)  If you were to be remembered for one thing what would you like it to be? That I am a survivor.

20)  Tell us your favorite OffiCenters story. I have a vault of stories that has been locked and I ate the key.