Quick Food for Busy People

Published On: May 8, 2014|Categories: Blog|

Weekdays for a busy professional are an unpredictable creature. Some days, the stars align and we can nab a long, luxurious lunch at a favorite cafe. Other days…well, a vending machine loaded with empty calories or an extra scoop of coffee in the coffee maker become the only options. We’re here to remind you – it doesn’t have to be this way.

Accomplishing a good, quick lunch on the fly isn’t impossible – it simply takes a little preparation. It can be argued that a good working lunch should have three distinctive qualities; it should be easy to assemble, (relatively) healthy, and easy on the budget.

Here are 8 quick ideas to get you moving in the right direction:

quick food busy people


Cheese and crackers. Pita chips and hummus. Veggies and dip. You can choosefrom a veritably endless pairings of quick, inexpensive and portable energy-sustainers.


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Chances are good your office has a microwave. Pack a few soft tortillas, shredded cheese, salsa…and more, if you’re feeling adventurous. Instant quesadilla!


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Fruit and yogurt – it’s not just for breakfast anymore. The combination is low-calorie and a natural energy booster.  For those not keen on yogurt, (it’s a texture thing for a lot of people) try cottage cheese or for an Italian take, ricotta. 


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Soup, homemade or from the blue or red can! The homemade version will involve a little off-the-clock prep, but consider making a big pot of your favorite soup to pack and take. You’ll have lunch for days. Both varities heat up quick for a warm and healthy lunch.



quick-food-busy-people5Apples and peanut butter. Celery and peanut butter. Peanut butter and banana sandwiches…well, you get the point. Peanut butter is a versatile staple we don’t always remember in adulthood, but if you’re needing a fast energy booster, it’s a pretty solid selection. Added bonus for choosing an all-natural variety. 


Tuna on cracker

A personal favorite of this writer – pouches of tuna or salmon served with whole-grain crackers or rice cakes. It’s a quick shot of protein…and it feels a little fancy, too. Tuna salad – seriously – mayo, tuna, salt, pepper. I add celery and cayenne pepper, but this one is a no-brainer.


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Pack a container stacked with tomatoes, mozzarella, basil, a dash of salt and a little crushed black pepper. Slice the tomatoes thickly and presto – easy, carb-less bruschetta. 



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Mini pizzas: spread a little tomato sauce on an English muffin or bagel, add shredded cheese, layer with pepperoni and toss it in the microwave. Make it a full-on meal by packing a small green salad.



These are just a few suggestions to kick-start a conversation. For more ideas follow us on Pinterest and check out our “Telecommuting Foodie” board.