PEK 4Q 2020 Special Offer for OffiCenters Members

Published On: September 30, 2020|Categories: Blog|
Why is the 4Q of every year the most important quarter for every business? Because it’s the quarter when businesses make YEAR END decisions. A good decision can be made when a business has a 4Q Financial Plan that does 2 things:

1. Brings financial records as up to date as possible
2. Provides the year’s Profit Projection for tax liability

Paul Kloster is here to help with you with your 4th Quarter Financial Plan. Paul can help you bring records up-to-date, and work with you to prepare the Profit Projection necessary for determining tax liability. He will work with you over ZOOM and identify the work that needs to be done. Paul will stay in contact with you and help as needed to complete the 4Q work. Your 4th Quarter Financial Plan will deliver the information for you to make good year end business decisions. You will have confidence in your decisions – because you had great information available when it was needed.

Are you prepared for year end 2020? For help, please contact Paul Kloster.
Call: 612-850-9086 or Email:

Are you prepared for year end 2020? For help, please contact Paul Kloster.
Call: 612-850-9086 or Email: