October – Success

Published On: September 28, 2016|Categories: Blog, Success Story|

ows_145288971272840Ted Christopher, CEO of Verterra Energy, Inc. is on a mission to empower societies to create the future they want while protecting the environment we all need. Their vertical axis hydro-kinetic turbine harnesses the power in flowing water to generate clean, renewable energy for communities who need it. Learn more below!

Every business has a story, tell us yours.
Verterra is developing a modular hydro device called “Volturnus” that deploys directly into rivers, oceans and man-made canals; in depths of less than 2 meters. It uniquely harnesses the power in flowing water to generate base-load electricity at 3-7 cents/kWh. At commercial scale, 5 units will make a 50 kW “V-Pod” and these can be deployed in arrays to reach MW capacity.

Our mission is to help power the 1.2 billion people on our planet without electricity.

You were chosen as this month’s Success Client. Tell us about your most recent Success.
In June, we completed testing of scaled, full system architecture “proof-of-concept” in our generation III prototype call Volturnus.

No one likes to brag about their business, but if you HAD TO . . .
Verterra is going to be featured on Mo Rocca’s show Innovation Nation on CBS, October 29th!

We learn from our mistakes, especially in business. Give us some words of wisdom.
Repeat your successes, not your failures.

Share the best advice you ever received.
We’ve been fortunate to work with and collaborate with some amazing people over the years, so it’s hard to say what advice has been the best, but as a general sentiment, the best advice has always centered around how to better listen and understand people.

Describe your perfect day off.
Just hanging out with a good group of friends.

What might someone be surprised to know about you?
That I used to be a musician, before starting development of Volturnus!

Together we are stronger. Tell us something you like about being our client.
Couldn’t ask for a more helpful and supportive staff-  Ana has been so great over the years.

If you could work anywhere under the sun, where would you choose?
That depends on the time of year of course, but the Twin Cities really does have a lot going for them.

How can people CONNECT with you?
Verterra attends and presents at many local events, come on up and say hi. ted@verterraenergy.com