October – Innovator
Michelle LaFrance, President of Smarty Pants Marketing, offers award winning web design and web marketing to help you get more leads and dominate your search results in any territory. Share your vision and they will get you there! See what Michelle shared with us below!
Every business has a story, tell us yours.
I came up with my company name at the time that the “Idiot and Dummy” series of books were popular. I didn’t’ want any of my clients to feel like that. I wanted something more empowering. Smarty Pants speak to the fact that we bring intelligence, wit, humor and fun to our projects. We deliver leads to our clients and no one does it better. Now, as a certified BANK CODE trainer, I can also help my clients know how to close more sales. Personality Science and BANK tools make it easy for anyone to learn how to increase their sales by 300%.
You were chosen as this month’s Innovator Member. What does being an Innovator mean to you?
It means bringing innovative solutions to my clients. I used to tell my clients that I would deliver leads but it was up to them to close them. Today, as a certified BANK trainer, I can help anybody increase their sales by 300%. Companies spend thousands of dollars on how to sell when what they need to know is WHY THEY BUY. With BANK you can crack the personality code of your buyer in less than 90 seconds!
No one likes to brag about their business, but if you HAD TO . . .
What I have to offer is truly a 1-2 punch. Smarty Pants Web marketing generates high quality leads. As a BANK trainer I can teach you how to close more sales. It really doesn’t get any better than that. I offer a free one hour training to sales groups: insurance, mortgage, realtor offices, auto dealers, or any sales group. I have a great program to offer that is fast, easy and affordable. I’m available to speak to any group.
We learn from our mistakes, especially in business. Give us some words of wisdom.
Always keep your attention on your goals. There will always be distractions, obstacles and challenges. The key is to keep your attention ahead of you and to keep moving toward your goals no matter what. Every day close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.
What “teacher” has made the most impact on your life and why?
My horses! Seriously. You can’t just hop on a horse and expect the best. Someone has to be in charge, someone has to know where they’re going. Someone has to be in the present moment and be able connect. My horses have taught me all this and so much more!
What might someone be surprised to know about you?
I think people are surprised when I say I’m introverted. I truly am. I love being with people and connecting and I also like to have quiet and time to reflect and recharge.
If you could have only one super power, what would it be and why?
I would like to time travel both forward and back. How fascinating would that be?
What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?
BANK CODE personality technology. We just released our AI that can instantly reveal the personality code of any LinkedIn or Facebook profile, voice messages, websites, marketing material. It will help anyone sharpen their message and have more confidence that they are delivering the right message. Truly amazing.
Why do you choose to WORK AWESOME at OffiCenters?
I was looking for a place to have meetings and also a place where I could hold my BANK CODE training’s. OffiCenters was the perfect choice with 7 locations and a great friendly staff.
In addition to our Member Directory, how else can people CONNECT with you?
Email @ michelle@heysmartypants.com
Crack Your Code at: mybankcode.com/heysmarty
Find me on LinkedIn