June – Success

Published On: May 29, 2013|Categories: Blog, Success Story|

June Success Michelle StimpsonMichelle Stimpson of LifeShine Coaching is our Success feature this month! Over the last 10 years, Michelle has helped hundreds of private clients, spoken in front of countless groups, and created the ‘LifeShine Positive Change System’, which is a series of seven important steps every professional woman needs in order to help her make a lasting positive change and live a life of greater joy. Find out more at www.lifeshinecoaching.com and read on to learn more about Michelle!

1)    What would you like people to know about you and your business? First of all, I LOVE my work and am totally in the right fit! I get so much energy from working with some of the most amazing women around. I’ve had the pleasure of working with hundreds of clients through the years to help them take charge of their life, make lasting positive change, and experience greater joy. My company, LifeShine ®, is the go-to place for professional women who are ready to make a change in their life.

2)    Where did you get the idea for your business? I was in a corporate job that wasn’t fully ‘doing it’ for me, and I hired a Coach to help me navigate through that uncertainty. After every session with my Coach, I told my husband: “Someday I want to do for people what my Coach is doing for me!” Coaching doesn’t ‘give’ you the answers; coaching helps you clear away the clutter to get at your own answers. It’s a very powerful process! So, while I was still in my corporate job, I went back to school to be trained as a Professional Coach (alongside my hubby). I gradually started my business on the side. And then we sold our custom-built dream house, downsized, moved into a townhouse, sold a bunch of “stuff”, and then I left my job and jumped into my business full-time. Big transition! Now I’m happy to say that this year…I’m celebrating TEN years in business. Exciting!

3)    What makes your business unique? I’ve created a step-by-step process called the LifeShine Positive Change SystemTM. This system serves as the foundation for guiding my clients through important, meaningful, and lasting change.

4)    What is your ‘elevator speech’? You know how making a change in your life can sometimes feel so big and overwhelming…that it’s easier to not even get started? And then nothing happens and things stay the same? Well, I’m a Mentor for Women in Positive Change. I work with professional women who feel overwhelmed and stuck – and who are ready to take the first step toward positive, lasting, and meaningful change. I lead my clients through a step-by-step process to get clear on what they really want in life, and then together we map out a plan to make it happen. It’s called the LifeShine Positive Change SystemTM. A great client for me is a woman who’s done talking about making a change in her life and finally ready to make it happen. I absolutely love my work! I love the clients that I get to work with. And my clients see great results. If you’re curious and would like to learn more, be sure to get in touch with me and let’s see if I can help!

5)    What are the keys to your success? Living my own best life and doing the things that bring me joy – Caribbean cruises, rocking out in the front row with my favorite classic rock bands, and spending 24/7 with my best friend/soul mate/hubby, Bill. When I’m living on-purpose and living my best life, then it’s the natural next step for me to help my clients live their best life. My clients know they’re working with someone who walks the walk!

6)    What is the one piece of advice you’d like to give to others about running a business? 1) Put your own life first – when you’re taking care of yourself first, you’ll be able to be of even greater service to those around you, including your clients. 2) Trust that you always know what’s best for your business, regardless of what the “experts” tell you about how to run a business; stay true to yourself and you can never go wrong. 3) Remember that anything is possible; keep your big dreams at the forefront and visualize success every day.

7)    How long have you been at OffiCenters? Which location? A year at France OffiCenter.

8)    How has your relationship with OffiCenters changed your business? I LOVE OffiCenters! Now, I have a beautiful “feel-good” place to meet with clients. I also have an awesome space to retreat to when I need a break from my home office – I take a pile of work with me and it’s so much easier for me to focus in that environment. Bottom-line: I am more productive and focused with OffiCenters as a valued partner!

9)    If you could work from anywhere under the sun, where would you choose? Cane Garden Bay in Tortola (British Virgin Islands). But – if I’m being honest with myself…I don’t think I’d really get much work done there.

10)  Tweet, Blog, LinkedIn, Facebook? I love staying connected via my ‘Following Your Joy’® blog, http://www.followingyourjoy.com/ and Facebook the best!

11)  What piece of technology can you not live without? I’m not tied to any of it, and it wouldn’t bother me to live without technology.

12)  What is one of your favorite quotes? “Throw your heart over the fence and the rest will follow.” – Norman Vincent Peale

13)  Who has been an inspiration in your life? Morrie Schwartz. His story is told in the book, Tuesdays With Morrie – through the process of dying, he describes what it is to fully “live”. And Arnel Pineda, lead singer for Journey. Are you familiar with his story? Incredible! Lastly, my husband, Bill. He makes me feel as though I’m the most important person in the world.

14)  When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you use it? Look up the current tours of my favorite classic rock bands/artists and plot out my next adventure!

15)  If you had a long weekend with unlimited funds, where would you go? Hawaii! Although, I would actually string two or three long weekends together because one is simply not enough!

16)  If you could be any fictional character, whom would you choose and why? I’m stumped! I don’t know…I like my own life the way it is.

17)  What is your favorite restaurant in Minnesota? All milestones get celebrated at Kincaid’s in Bloomington!

18)  What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life? I’m a huge classic rock aficionado, so anything cool from the 70’s is a staple on my playlist.

19)  If you could paint a picture what would you paint and why? Sun setting over the ocean. This image represents a perfect moment in time for me – sitting on the beach with my adventure partner, Bill, breathing deeply and embracing life’s beauty.

20)  What is the best way for people to find out more about you and your business? Everything you need to know is at http://www.lifeshinecoaching.com. Please check it out! You’ll also see that I offer a complimentary 20-30 minute “Get Acquainted Call”. If you’re ready to make a change in your life, this focused call is a great opportunity to share your situation with me…and see if I can help. I’d love to hear from you!