June – Innovator
Rodney McGee of Global Resources for Environmental Energy Needs, Inc. (dba Green USA), and Virtual Client at OffiCenters at International Plaza, is our Innovator of the month. Green USA was founded with the intent to promote new technologies that will change the world. Green USA is in the forefront of developing and implementing new technologies that make our world a better place in which we live. To learn more about Rodney and this innovative company, read the answers to his questions below.
Every business has a story, tell us yours. Green USA is a company founded with the intent to promote new technologies that will change the world. The company’s founders have established relationships with companies in a variety of industries that were created by brilliant scientists who have proprietary intellectual rights. The technologies span several industries including coal gasification, smart grids, computer chip technology and fuel cells. Green works with companies in these areas to identify and pursue funding opportunities and marketing opportunities.
What does being an innovator mean to you? It means being in the forefront of developing and implementing new technologies that make our world a better place in which we live.
No one likes to brag about their business but if you had to . . . I would like everyone to know we have a great, knowledgeable management team that is capable of guiding the company to be a major player in the energy and environmental controls industries. I am totally excited to be a part of a history making group in our ventured fields.
We learn from our mistakes. Give us some words of advice. Always keep your dream alive and active throughout your day to power you through those rough and doubtful moments.
Share the best advice you ever received. Work hard, play hard and enjoy both activities.
Describe your perfect day off. A warm sunny day near a clear blue body of water to swim or fish within or both.
What might someone be surprised to know about you? That I have 2 great grand nieces and 1 great grand nephew.
Tell us something you like about being our client. The friendliness and responsiveness of the staff is unmatched. I feel proud to introduce my business associates to the staff and our offices. The office décor is exceptional and provides a corporate yet comfortable environment which I am proud to work within.
If you could work anywhere under the sun, where would you choose? I have had this image of working on somebody’s beach with my laptop, wearing a straw hat under a palm tree enjoying a fruity beverage nearby with a little umbrella inside it for at least 10 years. That dream is still there for me.
How can people CONNECT with you? Anyone can give me a call at 612-532-4889 or email me at rodmcgee2001@yahoo.com anytime. Our company website should be up sometime this summer.