January – Milestone

Published On: January 2, 2014|Categories: Blog, Milestone|

Drakes photo 2 Milestone Jan 2014Drake Metzger, Attorney at Law is our Milestone Client. After the law firm Drake was working for was dissolved, he decided to start a solo practice. Drake found his first dedicated office with us at Park OffiCenter and we are celebrating that Milestone with him this month! Give Drake a call at 952.525.2299 and read on to find out more about Drake and his practice.

Every business has a story, tell us yours. I worked for two lawyers through law school and then for 2.5 years as a lawyer. They decided to go their separate ways and dissolved their firm leaving me to fend for myself. I decided to take a shot at running my own solo practice and haven’t looked back since.

You were chosen as this month’s Milestone Client, why?  Not exactly sure…Because Sue Wilson is awesome. (At OffiCenters we think that steping out and staring a solo practice is a huge acheivement and a milestone in your career!)

No one likes to brag about their business, but if you HAD TO… Thanks to my old firm, I have significant trial experience for someone at my level of practice, but because I am able to keep my overhead significantly below an average lawyer I can keep my rates incredibly competitive. Also, there is no other lawyer in town with as in depth a knowledge of comic books and superheroes!

We learn from our mistakes, especially in business. Give us some words of wisdom. Always set realistic expectations, both with your clients and your business associates. 

Share the best advice your ever got. No glove, no love.

Describe your perfect day off. Sleep in, workout for about 2-3 hours, fine tune my leather working skills for a bit, maybe watch some Battlestar Galactica on Netflix then spend the rest of the day with my girlfriend.

What might someone be surprised to know about you? I own more swords than I do forks. 

Together we are stronger. Tell us something you like about being our client. The thing I like the most about OffiCenters is the feeling of community. Solo practice can be terrifying at times, and it’s nice to be able to walk around the office and interact with other people. 

If you could work anywhere under the sun, where would you choose? Twin Cities. Lame, I know, but c’mon, the Twin Cities is the best.

How can people CONNECT with you? I can be reached at drake@metzgerlawfirm.net or by phone at 952-525-2299. Also, my door is usually open so if you find yourself at the Park OffiCenter feel free to stop by office 712.