May – Innovator
Kim Stewart of Get Mike Get Money, full time client at France OffiCenter is our innovator of the month. Get Mike Get Money offers you a chance to get CASH FAST for houses, diamonds, watches and even promissory notes! It’s easy. Just call 888-GET-MIKE, fill out a form and GMGM will call you within hours to meet, evaluate and make you an offer. To learn more about Kim and this innovative company, read the answers to her questions below.
Every business has a story, tell us yours. Get Money Get Mike was designed to create an “everybody wins” opportunity for individuals who find themselves in a tough spot. We offer those looking to sell their assets a quick, easy, and fair cash transaction. GMGM also gives back through various charities.
You were chosen as this month’s Innovator Client. What does being an Innovator mean to you? Being an innovator means not having to accept the methods of doing business that exist today. That is energizing and rewarding!
No one likes to brag about their business, but if you HAD TO . . . Get Mike Get Money makes really tough situations easier for people, and that’s something that I consistently get to feel good about.
We learn from our mistakes, especially in business. Give us some words of wisdom. It’s okay to fail, as long as you have at least three more ideas in the pipeline!
Share the best advice you ever received. “If you’re too scared to do it, do it scared.”
Describe your perfect day off. My perfect day off is a beautiful afternoon spent around Lake of the Isles—biking, paddle boarding, and having dinner on a patio with friends and family.
What might someone be surprised to know about you? As a child, I used to say that I wanted to have “every single job in the world…at the same time”. In a lot of ways, I do! Advertising, marketing, sales, hiring, strategy, web, accounting—you name it.
Together we are stronger. Tell us something you like about being our client. It’s wonderful to be a part of a professional, friendly environment. Being around unique but like-minded individuals is a very dynamic experience.
If you could work anywhere under the sun, where would you choose? Spain.
How can people CONNECT with you? I’m easy to reach via email: or on LinkedIn: