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2015-02 powerlunchGuest Speaker: Cathy Paper

Topic: Build Your Buzz: Ten Steps to the Spotlight

There are a million ideas out in the marketplace.  People don’t remember ordinary, they remember meaningful and valuable. People want to be entertained and educated.  They also want to connect.  Once you have their attention, how do you keep it and be meaningful and engaging?

Today’s cluttered environment requires having a strategy, for you or your business, and using tactics to get noticed, get into the spotlight, build momentum, and bring out the best connection you can with people. Identifying key messages, using humor, finding out why everyone’s attitude matters, and having a purpose beyond yourself is how to build the buzz.  

It takes time to get going, but once it does, building the buzz clarifies your personal and professional brand.  This message can be translated into a lifetime of success through books, speaking, business, and the sharing of ideas to transform lives.

Power Lunch is held on the last Thursday of every month
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