August – Service of the Month
5 Tips for Better Managing Your Email
- Unsubscribe from Unwanted Emails. This is a simple and straight forward step that’s often ignored. Look for the marketing emails and blogs that you receive on a regular basis and decide if you still really need them. If you don’t, then open one and use the unsubscribe link, then delete all other emails from that sender. Note: only use the unsubscribe link from senders you know/trust.
- Organize Emails Using Folders. Descriptive folders and sub-folders are essential tools for keeping your emails organized and manageable. Within your inbox you can create various folders for storing different types of email. You can label these folders however you like, but folders are typically organized by sender name or category.
- Delete Unneeded Email. Many people seem to have an aversion to deleting email. Some email servers only allow a certain amount of space for individual mailboxes. Once it fills up, you will no longer be able to send or receive mail.
- Archive Old Mail. You may want to keep a number of different emails. These could include bank and credit card statements, invoices or email subscriptions. In order to avoid having this type of mail accumulate and overwhelm your mailbox, you need to get in the habit of moving this mail to a local archive.
- Let Us HELP! OffiCenters can help manage your inbox, organize your folders and more! Use our EMAIL SUPPORT Service in August and get 20% off.