Our Member Survey Says!

Published On: September 5, 2019|Categories: News|
You like us. You REALLY Like us! The fact is that 95% of those surveyed responded TRUE when asked if OffiCenters provides them a Work Awesome Experience for their business. Other responses showed that 77% of our members feel less isolated and 84% say they are more productive since joining our community. Those results are a big WOW! The bottom line has increased for 78% of the members who took our survey, with 72% telling us that they have made meaningful connections with other business professionals. And, we always knew that our events were well attended but now we have proof with over 65% of you saying they have attended at least one of our events, workshops or luncheons. Our members can use any of our seven locations and the numbers tell us that 59% of our members surveyed are taking advantage of using multiple locations to Work Awesome!
Thank You to all who took the time to take the survey. Your answers provide us with better insight to what our members want, need and get from OffiCenters!