November – Milestone

Published On: October 28, 2016|Categories: Blog, Milestone|

joe_varno_0016Joe Varno, Financial Advisor at Varno + Company, is all about success – showing
you how to make every dollar work harder, smarter, faster and safer. Your financial questions are important, and Joe can help. Keep reading to learn more!

Every business has a story, tell us yours.
I practiced dentistry in Edina from 1985 to 2004. I was forced to give up the active practice of dentistry because of a career ending hand disorder.

I had insured my livelihood and income with three different insurance companies and when I went on claim two of the insurance companies said they would not pay benefits. After a lengthy legal battle it was settled in binding arbitration. I realized right then that there is a huge difference in contractual language in disability contracts. I began contacting all of my Dental buddies and auditing/reading their disability contracts for them. I wanted to make sure if they had the same thing happen to them that happened to me they would be protected.

I soon realized with months of internal reflection that my purpose here on earth was not going to be to treat dental disease but to treat financial disease. My business manifested from that realization and the desire to assist people through all phases of their financial life.

You were chosen as this month’s Milestone Client. Tell us about your Milestone achievements.
Two of my daughters got married this summer and we were able to successfully get through both of those huge events and had an incredible amount of fun doing that. I successfully got up on one ski again water skiing at the cabin. I celebrated 30 years of marriage with my lovely wife Valerie by traveling to Sedona and hiking the area.

No one likes to brag about their business, but if you HAD TO . . .
I believe financially people are in a mass of disarray and in many cases are headed for a train wreck when it comes to retirement.

My unique process will help organize their finances and mitigate the threats through the 30 to 40 years of accumulation with more protection, less risk, less taxes, and more wealth arriving at Retirement. In retirement we mitigate the risk of running out of money, inflation, taxes, and stock market volatility.

We learn from our mistakes, especially in business. Give us some words of wisdom.
Don’t think you can wade through your financial life without a financial coach or advisor.

Share the best advice you ever received.
Always separate the event from the meaning you assigned to that event.

Describe your perfect day off.
Duck or pheasant hunting in the morning followed by 18 holes of golf with my best buddies followed by an afternoon walk and dinner with my wife.

What might someone be surprised to know about you?
I cried while watching American Idol. I’m a sap for that kind of stuff.

Together we are stronger. Tell us something you like about being our client.
You always greet me with a smile and are consistently there to meet my business needs.

If you could work anywhere under the sun, where would you choose?
Palm Springs California

How can people CONNECT with you?
Contact me at 612-581-9197 or