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Return to Love: A Roadmap to Success

The key to loving your work might not be where you think it is. It might not even have much to do with your work at all.

Until your internal world is defined and balanced, outside factors will not bring you the satisfaction you seek. As world-famous mindfulness expert Thich Nhat Hanh points out: until you can be happy doing the dishes, you will never be happy doing anything else! If you find yourself rushing through certain tasks, feeling unfulfilled or overwhelmed in your work, or even facing burnout, it might be time for a reality check: you need to put your own intuition in the driver’s seat and start making real happiness a priority.

This luncheon will again feature our popular “WINspired” format, where you’ll be invited to participate in a facilitated conversation, allowing us to explore the topic in a more in-depth, conversational manner. Listen and be inspired as others share stories about how they’ve managed to put their own happiness first in their business, and join the conversation as you share your own insight. Have you found yourself suffering from burnout and changed course? Did listening to your intuition yield a positive result for your business? Let’s dive in and explore our own roads to back to love in our businesses!

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