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Speaker: Meg Miller, Critical Next Step
Topic: BAM Plan = Peace of Mind
Live at Park OffiCenter, live stream to all locations

Do you have a Business Affairs Management (BAM) Plan? Time marches – we work, plan and strategize to be successful and top of our game, but what would happen if you hit an unplanned detour in the road and someone had to manage some or all of your business affairs. Get tips and tricks on how to build your BAM plan. Knowing that your business affairs are covered = your Peace of Mind.

Bio: Meg Miller brings over 25 years as a professional speaker, trainer, writer and consultant. As founder and president of Critical Next Step, sheâ’s been helping people get their personal and business affairs in order for over 15 years. Her main purpose is to educate and empower people to get their planning done before a misfortunate event occurs.

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