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50 Fun Things® to Build and Strengthen Your Network
Presented by: Teresa Thomas

Break through limited thinking and see networking in a new light. With this fun presentation,  you’ll gain ideas to network in fresh ways including little actions you can take immediately. Once the intention is set, positive shifts begin to happen – often much sooner than you expect!

Those who have used the 50 Fun Things® tools follow up to share how their lives quickly became more fulfilling following the workshop. Their new way of thinking opens up possibilities, builds bridges and strengthens their connections.

In this customized session, you’ll create a take home tool created by you and inspired by others in the group. You will be guided in a fun brainstorm activity (individually and with the group) on things you can begin doing right away to build and strengthen your network while having fun doing it!

50 Fun Things is a movement designed to inspire participants to reconnect with what brings them joy, moves them forward and fosters meaningful connection. Get ready for amazing things to happen!  

As a result of this session, participants will…
1. Open up fresh, energized and innovative thinking by being encouraged to explore and discover
2. Foster meaningful connection in and beyond the workshop
3. Gain ideas and motivation to use in building and strengthening their networks

Bio: Teresa Thomas, the “Win/Win Connector,” is author of Win/Win Networking: Your Guidebook for Confident and Effective Connections. Her new book, Enjoy the Small Things includes ideas for 50 Fun Things® that are quick pick-me-ups along with action steps and reflections. Teresa is the creator of the 50 Fun Things  project guiding people from all walks of life to have more fulfilling lives.

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