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Here’s a secret: anyone can be an online rockstar.
You know that having a website is THE essential marketing tool for your business. But how confident are you that your website is helping you stand out, in all the right ways? With so many resources available (hiring someone, going the DIY-route, or something in between), it’s never been easier to create a website. However, there are a few critical things to consider that will make all the difference between slapping up a serviceable website and creating the momentum online that will actually help you build your business.

At this hands-on workshop, we’ll dive in and explore the 3 critical pieces your website absolutely needs for you to capture attention and leads in your market. You’ll learn what key content to include that will help the right clients connect with you immediately, and how to ensure that your website provides a clear, uncluttered view of what you have to offer. You’ll also discover the value of building your list, and how you can started right away.

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