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NBM-Sept-2013-CoverAre there really secrets to success in business? Since success can often be elusive, some struggling entrepreneurs probably believe it to be true. The reality is that success has a signature. There are certain behaviors and attitudes that you can copy and incorporate into your businesses that can help you be more successful. Experts will share what they have learned in observing thousands of businesses over the years and offer insights that every small business can benefit from.

RSVP at www.newstartupmeetup.com

Workshop from 3:30 to 5 PM

Networking follows from 5 to 7 PM


Bob Willbanks / Business development manager with CBIZ, 
a professional services company

Lori Spiess / Owner of VirtualOffiCenters as well as OffiCenters in the Minneapolis area, is a long time Office Business Center Professional

Rick “The Expo Guy” Martinek / President of  MediaMax Events and Expos Inc., which produces the Home Improvement and Design Expos, Healthy Life Expos and a Longevity Expo



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